Honest, Transparent, and Responsive Government

Allegheny County residents deserve better than the rampant pay-to-play politics we’ve suffered under for years. Our government should exist to solve our toughest problems and make people’s lives easier by operating free from outside influence, yet for far too long backroom deals were the name of the game. Big corporations and developers have too much say in government. My plan ends their influence by establishing comprehensive ethics reform, adopting the City of Pittsburgh’s Campaign Finance Reform law, enacting lobbying and contracting reform, modernizing constituent services, and bringing County Government into our communities.

➜ Require candidates to Release their complete donor lists and post monthly updates to campaign websites

➜ Require candidates to Release full lists of campaign staff and paid consultants

➜ Ban County employees under the purview of the County Executive, appointees, and the executive herself from accepting gifts 

➜ Require all appointees to boards and commissions to sign an ethics agreement adopting a gift ban and disclosure requirement for potential conflicts of interest

➜ Adopt the City of Pittsburgh’s Campaign Finance Reform law, which is modeled after the federal limits, and sets clear guidelines to prevent the usage of campaign cash for personal use like car leases, meals and patronage jobs.

➜ Create a "black-out period" following contract bids, banning contact between contract bidders and boards/commissions/staff responsible for awarding contracts

➜ Strengthen prevailing wage enforcement for outside contractors

➜ Strengthen local hiring requirements

➜ Require contractors to disclose labor law and environmental fines and citations on bids

➜ Implement priority-based, participatory budgeting processes, including implementation of community town halls across the County

➜ Create a full time Office of Community Affairs to serve as a one-stop-shop for residents to get information from the County

➜ Modernize constituent services, including expanding the use of Social Media and newer digital technologies to reach more residents where they are

➜ Establish satellite engagement centers in every county council district co-located at existing federal, county, and state leg offices to save money and encourage coordination with government partners