Clean and Healthy Environment

While Allegheny County has made a lot of progress in addressing our air and water quality, there is still much more work to be done to protect the health of our community. Despite all of the progress we still have some of the most polluted air and higher rates of asthma and some forms of cancer than most other places in the country. At times over 200 days a year are rated for poor air quality. In some of our elementary schools between 20 and 40% of the entire student body have asthma. This is unacceptable. The Allegheny County Health Department has the unique ability to do something about it and Sara will get it done.

➜ Maximize federal investment from the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to prevent flooding, install green stormwater infrastructure, invest in renewable energy, and create good new jobs

➜ Use the unique regulatory powers of the Allegheny County Health Department to crack down on polluters and end the “pay to pollute” policies that put our communities at risk

➜ Launch a countywide healthy homes initiative to get lead, mold, radon, and other toxic problems out of Allegheny County homes

➜ Partner with townships and boroughs using zoning to keep major sources of industrial pollution away from schools, child care centers, senior housing, and residential neighborhoods.